We are giving you a great opportunity to earn by using internet. Using internet at home you can assure your earnings. You will be able to achieve your skill by training. Remember skill bring success. We are giving the entire training to earn money by using computer and internet.
Our courses
1. Blogging – 7000 Tk. ( After Discount 4900 Tk Only )
2. Google Adsense – 6000 Tk ( After Discount 4200 Tk Only )
3. SEO Full Course – 15000 Tk. ( After Discount 10500 Tk Only )
4. Basic SEO Course – 8000 Tk. ( After Discount 5600 Tk Only )
5. Affordable SEO Course – 10000 Tk. ( After Discount 7000 Tk Only )
6. Social Media Marketing – 6000 Tk. ( After Discount 4200 Tk Only )
Extra Facility : which member are doing SEO full course they can get some extra facility like odesk profile created, 100% profile rating, How to bid job, How to finish job, how can transfer their money etc.
In this Ramadan you have 30% discount on all courses. So what are you waiting for. After finishing the course you get lifetime support to any problem.
1747, Madinabag, Kadamtali
Dania, Dhaka – 1236
Phone: 01933335373 or 01670784279
E-mail – ghuddi@live.com